High-quality Energy Performance Assessment and Certification in Europe Accelerating Deep Energy Renovation
Public project deliverables
will be made available here throughout the project.
WP1: Management & Coordination
This plan provides information concerning the meta data that will be collected and used by project partners. |
WP2: Analysis of current practice and priorities for next-generation EPCs
The report presents a detailed analysis of the potential enhanced EPC elements as well as a cross-country comparison matrix. All partners conducted bilateral interviews with the major actors in the EPC procedures, including executive bodies on EPC at regional and/or national level. For countries not represented in the consortium, specific literature research has been conducted. | |
This report has the purpose to create a common vision for an improved EPC scheme and serves as a basis for the Development Strategy Plan (D2.4), and WP3, the development of enhanced EPC schemes. | |
This report provides an analyses of the gaps and shortcomings in the current EPC schemes in the QualDeEPC country partner and national priority approaches to their resolution. All partner countries have organized stakeholder workshops discussing potential options for enhancing the existing EPC schemes. The discussions were incorporated in the results. | |
This document presents the Development Strategy Plan, which will be guiding the development of next-generation EPC schemes in WP3. D2.4 also encompasses the country situation and needs as found by the consortium partners in Task 2.3, where the gaps and shortcomings in the current EPC schemes in the QualDeEPC country partners, and national priority approaches to their resolution were analysed. |
WP3: Development of enhanced EPC schemes
The deliverable provides further analysis, policy proposals and draft descriptions of tools on the seven areas that the project has identified as its priorities for the development of enhanced EPC schemes (see also D2.4). For each topic, the situations in the partner countries are evaluated, best practice examples are described and cross-national measures for improvements are suggested. | |
The White Paper on good practice in EPC assessment, certification, and use provides analyses, policy proposals and descriptions of tools on the seven prioritized areas for enhanced EPC schemes of the QualDeEPC project. The suggestions will be the basis for the country-specific adaptation, discussion, and, if possible, national implementation. | |
This collection summarizes the tools and concepts for the support of the policy proposals on the seven priorities defined and developed by QualDeEPC. The tools and concepts developed are aligned with the Development Strategy Plan. They will be the basis for country-specific adaptation, and to the context possible, implementation of the developed proposals. | |
This report presents the feedback from Task 3.4 ‘Dialogue on the Green paper and Concepts’. It provides a summary on each national workshop collecting the Stakeholder feedback for the proposed policies, tools and concepts of the Green paper on good practice in EPC assessment, certification, and use, as well as the feedback of the EU workshop. |
WP4: Testing the applicability through pilot cases
In order to test the enhanced Energy Performance Certificate schemes developed in WP3 and provide cross national comparison and recommendations for improvements before the adaption and dialogue activities planned in WP5 field testing is needed. For the field testing purposes it was chosen to use pilot cases where for one building both a standard EPC and enhanced EPC is made. |
This report describes the development of standard EPCs in all 7 project partner countries: Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Spain and Sweden. In the Annexes, 36 of the 98 standard EPCs for the pilot buildings are attached. In some cases, the building representatives have only agreed to anonymous data publishing.The main report of WP4 highlighting all results is Deliverable 4.5 Summary evaluation report. |
This report describes the development of enhanced EPCs in all 7 project partner countries: Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Spain and Sweden. In the annexes, 54 of all 98 enhanced EPCs are shown. In some cases, the building representatives have only agreed to anonymous data and quotes publishing.The main report of WP4 highlighting all results is Deliverable 4.5 Summary evaluation report. |
The objective of the Task 4.4 was to assess in comparison between countries and pilot cases, what worked well or less well from the five elements of an enhanced ECP scheme that the QualDeEPC project has identified as its priorities for the development of enhanced EPC schemes, which were tested in the pilot cases.
The results were fed back to Task 3.5 for the revision of Deliverable D3.1 to D3.2 and are presented in the form of this report (D4.4). It is one basis |
This is a report summarizing tasks done during WP4 in QualDeEPC project. This report summarizes WP4 results in all 7 project partner countries where WP4 was performed: Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Spain and Sweden.For each country a separate report on National summary evaluation on WP4 has been created. These reports are considered as a part of this Summary evaluation report. |
WP5: Roadmap to convergence and action towards deep renovation
This report presents the adaptation approach, at national level, of the developed practical concepts, proposals and tools for an enhanced EPC scheme towards deep renovation on the seven priorities addressed by the QualDeEPC project. | |
This report presents the nationally adapted policy proposals and concepts of the Deep Renovation Network Platforms (DRNPs). It includes the policy proposals about DRNPs in the seven partner countries and how the partners will implement a national DRNP with the consensus elements identified in previous tasks. | |
This report serves as a compilation of the project’s proposal for an enhanced and converging EPC assessment and certification scheme. It aims to provide a detailed description on the set of practical concepts, policy proposals, and tools for an enhanced EPC scheme towards deep renovation, developed by the QualDeEPC project. | |
Building upon the results of the stakeholder dialogues both on national and EU level, this report aims at outlining the needs for implementing the project’s proposals adapted to participating countries contexts and define the policy conclusions on what may be feasible to be implemented and enabling convergence between EPC schemes in different EU MS. | |
This report presents the monitoring results and key performance indicators. Information on actual implementation results and impacts achieved by the QualDeEPC project has been collected. To the extent possible, the project partners have quantified KPIs (key performance indicators) of impact. |
WP6: Dissemination & Communication
The report describes the website created for external and internal communication about and on the project. The website represents QualDeEPC’s primary method of communication with external stakeholders and the wider public. | |
The final report on all dissemination and communication activities gives an overview of all dissemination and communication activities within the QualDeEPC project. The various communication tools like the QualDeEPC website, QualDeEPC social media channels and the QualDePC newsletter as well as all dissemination products during the project are presented. |
WP7: Sustainability strategy and policy dialogue
The objective of this report is to maximise the impacts of the project on implementation of enhanced EPC schemes and their application in practice also after its end. The aim of the sustainability strategy plan is to ensure that the proposals, solutions, and tools developed during the project will be acknowledged, accepted and utilized. | |
This document aims to inform both the debate on the recast of the EPBD and the enhancement of national EPC schemes in EU Member States. It presents the draft policy recommendations of QualDeEPC for making the EPBD and the national schemes more effective, particularly for deep renovation, and enhance their quality overall. | |
This report reports on the presentation and discussion of the policy recommendations with national and EU decision-makers at high-profile events. The aim of these events was to promote and further improve consensus and to encourage uptake of the policy proposals and instruments. |