High-quality Energy Performance Assessment and Certification in Europe Accelerating Deep Energy Renovation
QualDeEPC – the final conference: How energy performance certificates support the deep renovation
QualDeEPC has had its final conference on how Energy Performance Certification can support the deep renovation. There is room for improvement in energy savings in the building sector, mainly through refurbishing Europe’s existing building stock. Amongst the measures introduced
Sixth QualDeEPC project meeting
On June 27th and 28th the consortium of QualDeEPC had its sixth partner meeting and after two and a half years this was the second meeting in person. Hosted by the Latvian partner Ekodoma in Riga, the two days were
Cross-assessment and convergence of energy performance certification and building’s digitalisation
Data on energy performance of buildings are precious for accelerating the EU renovation wave. Considered as a first tool to trigger action, Energy Performance Certification has gained a lot of attention lately, with projects working on making their assessment
QualDeEPC’s 3rd round of national Workshops
In May/June 2022, the consortium partners from Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Spain and Sweden each host the third round of national workshops with the National Expert Foras (NEF). The aim of this round of workshops is to gain
QualDeEPC EU Roundtable
On February 3rd, 2022, the QualDeEPC project organised a roundtable with key European associations working in the field of Energy Performance of Buildings and Energy Certification. The participants could benefit from an exclusive first presentation of the QualDeEPC draft policy
Fifth QualDeEPC project meeting
On November 4th and 12th the consortium of QualDeEPC had its fifth online partner meeting. The two sessions were led by project coordinator Wuppertal Institute. The main purpose of the meeting was to update all partners on the progress of
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