High-quality Energy Performance Assessment and Certification in Europe Accelerating Deep Energy Renovation
QualDeEPC Sister Projects
X-tendo and its toolbox introduce ten features of the next generation of energy performance certificates, to provide public authorities with improved compliance, reliability, usability and convergence of next-generation energy performance assessment and certification.

ePANACEA works on developing a new, holistic, more reliable, user-friendly and cost-effective methodology for energy performance assessment and certification of buildings. It aims to make use of the most advanced techniques in dynamic and automated simulation modelling, big data analysis and machine learning, inverse modelling or the estimation of potential energy savings and economic viability check, to support the energy transition through the buildings sector.

E-DYCE (Energy flexible DYnamic building CErtification) is the natural evolution of the conventional Energy Performance Certification into real time optimization of building performance and comfort, by capturing the building’s dynamic behaviour, and at the same time providing transparent feedback, through an intuitive interface.

D^2EPC project ambitiously aims to set the grounds for the next generation dynamic EPCs. The proposed framework engages actual measured data coming from smart devices and introduces a set of novel and user-friendly indicators by employing 6D Level 3 BIM for producing a building’s digital twin representation. The proposed indicators for smart-readiness, sustainability, environmental, human comfort and financial aspects will make EPCs a realistic, accurate and comprehensive information source that can induce energy efficient behavioural change and stimulate towards smart buildings.

EPC RECAST sets a well-structured process and a toolbox supporting the development, implementation and validation of a new generation of Energy Performance Assessment and Certification, with a deliberate focus on residential buildings, more specifically existing ones, for which retrofit is one of the most challenging and pressing issue. By enhancing EPCs usability, reliability, and comparability, and by linking them to renovation roadmaps and building digital notebooks, EPC RECAST can achieve unprecedented user-friendliness and user awareness of building performance.