High-quality Energy Performance Assessment and Certification in Europe Accelerating Deep Energy Renovation
QualDeEPC methodology
In order to reach the objectives, the project will organise its activities in four stages:
- Analysis of existing EPC schemes, good practice, shortcomings, and priorities for improvement
- Development and testing of concrete proposals and tools for enhanced EPC assessment, certification and verification, as well as Deep Renovation Network Platforms
- Adaptation to country needs and implementation of consensus elements, as well as developing a roadmap for further dialogue, and
- Development of a sustainability strategy and conclusive policy recommendations for regional, national, and transnational dialogue, and transfer.
QualDeEPC will stimulate such changes by (1) intensive dialogue involving the important stakeholders at all levels from the very beginning in the above four project stages and (2) disseminating its findings among the relevant target audiences in Europe.
Intensive dialogue
Through intensive dialogue involving key actors at all levels, QualDeEPC will support the change to enhanced quality of EPCs and disseminate the project results to relevant target audiences across Europe.
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