High-quality Energy Performance Assessment and Certification in Europe Accelerating Deep Energy Renovation
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Analysis of current practice and priorities for next-generation EPCs
To lay the evidence-based foundation for the development of the enhanced EPC schemes and thereby indirectly for the testing, dialogue, implementation and dissemination activities of the project, current practice and priorities for advancement are analysed.
Development of enhanced EPC schemes
Practical concepts, proposals and tools for enhanced and converging national EPC schemes, and their link to deep renovation actions through Deep Renovation Network Platforms are developed in draft version for testing.
Testing the applicability through pilot cases
The enhanced Energy Performance Certificate schemes developed are field tested. This will provide cross national comparison and recommendations for improvements before the adaptation and dialogue activities. The field tests are carried out on a number of selected pilot cases, with buildings featuring various locations, climatic conditions, uses, and field of practices.
Roadmap to convergence and action towards deep renovation
The enhanced EPC assessment and certification schemes and tools as well as Deep Renovation Network Platforms are adapted to country needs, implementing feasible consensus elements. Also, a dialogue on further convergence and a potential roadmap towards it is being organised at national and EU level.
Sustainability strategy and policy dialogue
In order to ensure the long-term usage and integration of the project results in the future implementation of EPC schemes, both a sustainability strategy including criteria, methods and implementation route, and a policy recommendations guide are developed. They will be the basis for an intensive policy dialogue.
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