On June 27th and 28th the consortium of QualDeEPC had its sixth partner meeting and after two and a half years this was the second meeting in person. Hosted by the Latvian partner Ekodoma in Riga, the two days were led by project coordinator Wuppertal Institute. The main purpose of the meeting was to update all partners on the progress of work in the running work packages, to discuss and resolve issues and set a clear path for the final project months. With an extension until February 2023 QualDeEPC has eight months left until the project will reach its end.

In both days, QualDeEPC work package and subtask leaders gave an update on the current proceedings and an overview of the work done.
Here is a summary of each work packages’ status-quo and progress:

WP5 Roadmap to convergence and action towards deep renovation
Most of the first meeting day was dedicated to WP5, starting with an evaluation of the commenced 3rd round of national workshops, where each partner summarized the event and its output. After a look at the timeline of tasks and deliverables of WP5 presented by the WP-Leader CRES, we discussed the next steps in finalizing the upcoming reports D5.3 Guidebook for improved EPCs presenting the project’s proposal for an enhanced and converging EPC assessment and certification scheme, and D5.4 Proposal for the Roadmap for the further revision and convergence process. Apart from the reports, WP5 is the origin of QualDeEPCs Deep Renovation Network Platforms. The partners presented the national adaptations of their online tool, showcasing the status-quo of the platforms and opening a think-tank-discussion on how to efficiently promote the different approaches and hence platforms.

WP6 Dissemination and Communication
After collecting each partners reporting on the communication and dissemination (C&D) activities until month 33 (May 2022) of the project, the WP-leader EPC gave the consortium an interim status-quo of the projects’ dissemination outreach in comparison to the key performance indicators set in the Grant Agreement. This included website metrics, social media interactions, event participation, publications and other communication related actions. Upon this review, EPC proposed the layout of the final C&D measures until the projects’ end, including newsletter themes, website news items, press release themes, event coordination, (E-)brochure. Throughout the discussions in this 2day-Meeting it became clear how to efficiently disseminate the final results and which outputs and events are to be set in special focus of these efforts. Fruitful ideas were collected, such as the addition of a new subpage on the QualDeEPC project website under Results and Resources explaining/showcasing the designed and enhanced national Deep Renovation Network Platforms.
Furthermore, EPC presented the first of the animated video clip: “QualDeEPC Project Video”. A product meant to reach the general public and to be used after the project for furthering the outreach of QualDeEPC – not particularly for the project itself, but rather for the findings on enhanced EPC assessment and certification linked with deep (energy) renovation.
A second animated video clip, which is currently under finalization, has been presented in its aim and content: “QualDeEPC’s 7 Priorities”. This product is meant for both the general public and the expert public, explaining the seven priorities which were developed and giving a glance on the enhanced EPC template.

WP7 Sustainability strategy and policy dialogue
The second day of the partners meeting in Riga was focused on the sustainability of QualDeEPC and the ongoing policy dialogue. The WP-leader Energiaklub presented the current status and opened the discussion of next steps of the reports D7.1 Sustainability strategy plan, D7.2 Conclusive policy recommendations guide and D7.3 Report on Policy dialogue and transfer.

It has been an absolute win to meet in person again, as much more discussions arose than they would meeting exclusively online, and it furthered the collaboration and conclusions drawn.
QualDeEPC is heading straight for its finalization – looking at both national high-level events, as well as the final conference.
Stay tuned for our results and have a look at our public reports, as well as our information material, where we have just published the new draft summary on EU policy recommendations!