On November 4th and 12th the consortium of QualDeEPC had its fifth online partner meeting. The two sessions were led by project coordinator Wuppertal Institute. The main purpose of the meeting was to update all partners on the progress of work in the running and newly commenced work packages, to discuss and resolve issues and set a clear path for the final targets of the project.
In both sessions, QualDeEPC work package and subtask leaders gave an update on the current proceedings and an overview of the work done. This was taken up in the WP1 Coordination and Management discussion where the possibility and necessity of a project extension was the core topic. To reach and exceed the projects’ targets it has been decided that QualDeEPC will ask for a 6-month extension due to Covid-19 delays.
Here is a summary of each work packages’ progress:
- WP4 Pilot cases and testing: Ekodoma, the leader of WP4, and the project coordinator Wuppertal Institut will meet digitally for the finalization of all open deliverables in this work package. The results are currently under review and can be expected before Christmas.
- Discussion about the online tool (WP3 Development of enhanced EPC schemes / WP5 Roadmap to convergence and action towards deep renovation): It would be the optimal solution to have an online tool in each of the implementing countries, however the existing tools differ a lot. Therefore, the second-best option would be a downloadable version in each country. It is now up to the consortium partners to define their intent of implementation and integrate this in the upcoming report D5.1 Report on the 7 nationally adapted enhanced assessment and certification schemes
- WP5 Roadmap to convergence and action towards deep renovation: D5.1 and D5.2 Report on the 7 nationally adapted Deep Renovation Network Platform concepts are expected to be finalised before Christmas. Furthermore, the first version of D5.3 Guidebook for improved EPCs presenting the project’s proposal for an enhanced and converging EPC assessment and certification scheme is expected for February 2022. Based on these deliverables, the third round of national workshops can take place between February to March 2022.
- WP6 Dissemination and Communication: The WP-leader EPC gave the consortium an outlook on the upcoming communication and dissemination measures, as well as a review on the measures taken thus far. Among other outputs, an animated video of QualDeEPC is currently in production and can be expected in the first quarter of 2022.
- WP7 Sustainability strategy and policy dialogue: In order for the Commission to be able to put forward its proposition, for the MEP rapporteur to be known and more stakeholders to be available, it has been agreed to postpone the EU Roundtable to Jan/Feb 2022.
Although QualDeEPC’s exchange continues to be online only, the partners actively engage in discussions forwarding the project’s results and objectives for the second half of the project’s duration.
Stay tuned for our results and have a look at our public reports.