High-quality Energy Performance Assessment and Certification in Europe Accelerating Deep Energy Renovation
Recap: Two years of QualDeEPC
QualDeEPC has completed two thirds of its duration. Time to take a brief look at the (interim) results and activities of the second project year: In the kick-off meeting in Brussels in October 2019, the QualDeEPC consortium representing ten
The next generation Energy Performance Certificates: making buildings fit for the energy transition
As a side event prior to the EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW), REHVA, BPIE, FEDARENE and Sympraxis, hosted by the BuildUp Portal, brought up the members of the Next Gen EPCerts H 2020 cluster of projects on 14 October 2021.
Building Energy Performance Certificates: The Enabler Smart Readiness Indicator
At the end of September 2021, the Sustainable Places Hybrid Conference, hosted in Rome, took place. In the Hybrid Workshop on 29 September 2021, the members of the Next Gen EPCerts H2020 cluster joined forces with the SmartBuilt4EU team
White Paper on good practice in EPC assessment, certification and use delivered!
The White Paper on good practice in EPC assessment, certification and use finalises the policy proposals and concepts on the priorities for enhanced EPC schemes identified in the Development Strategy Plan (Kostova et al. 2020). It advances the Green Paper
Building Energy Performance Certificates: Convergent evolution?!
Energy performance certificates for buildings have been used in the EU for about 10 years. However, the implementation in the Member States is quite different. As the importance of building performance increases with the European Green Deal and the Renovation
Fourth QualDeEPC project meeting
On April 27th, the consortium of QualDeEPC had its fourth online partner meeting. The morning and afternoon sessions were led by project coordinator Wuppertal Institute. The main purpose of the meeting was to update all partners on the progress of
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