In October 2020, as part of the European Green Deal, the European Commission published its “Renovation Wave Strategy”, which aims at, at least, doubling the annual energy renovation rate of buildings by 2030 and fostering deep renovations. This strategy includes a revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive – EPBD. Public consultation on this revision opened from 30 March until 22 June 2021. In this process, the Commission launched a series of 5 stakeholder workshops intending to obtain relevant input from various stakeholders on specific topics. The third stakeholder workshop on “Strengthening buildings information tools (with focus on EPC)” took place on 29 April 2021 with the participation of QualDeEPC project partners.
The workshop asked three main questions:
- What is needed to strengthen the information role of EPCs?
- What is needed to improve the quality of EPC?
- What is needed to improve the coverage of EPC?
Each part started with a poll to get an overview of the general opinion of the close to 230 participants. Several experts from academia, industry and relevant associations provided their views on the three questions, focusing on one aspect or the other. Topics like EPC assessors training, the user-friendliness of EPCs, and the need to have renovation services associated with the EPC improvement were mentioned by different parties.
This was the occasion for the QualDeEPC partners to point out the relevance of the proposals included in the project’s Green Paper and invite the participants to consult the document by providing the link to it. The lively discussions and input from the various stakeholders showed that the results and recommendations of the QualDeEPC project so far are in line with the overall demands from the stakeholders, thus putting the project on the right track. Especially to the need of strengthening the information role of EPCs the QualDeEPC improved EPC template (priority E) would contribute, with its information on the energy savings from implementing a combination of recommended actions, the new energy performance and EPC label class that would be achieved, and based on improved recommendations (priority A). Additionally, QualDeEPC’s priorities to include a link to an official one-stop-shop for information (priority C), to provide an online tool (priority B) and to improve the use of EPCs in advertisements (priorities F and G) would foster the information role of EPCs. QualDeEPC’s priority D – Creating Deep Renovation Network Platforms – would contribute to the need to improve the quality of EPCs.
Read more about the priorities in the QualDeEPC Green Paper.