
High-quality Energy Performance Assessment and Certification in Europe Accelerating Deep Energy Renovation

Enhancing EPC schemes in Europe to inform about deep energy renovation

QualDeEPC’s Development Strategy Plan defines seven priorities QualDeEPC is currently finalising the project Work Package on the analysis of current practice and priorities for next-generation EPC’s (WP2). The main objective behind the tasks of WP2 is to lay an evidence-based


Catalysing the EU Renovation Wave in the transition to the next-generation Energy Performance Certificates How QualDeEPC and its two sister projects approach the development of enhanced EPC schemes On June 30 from 13:30 – 15:00, U-CERT, X-tendo and QualDeEPC

Priorities for enhanced EPC schemes discussed at QualDeEPC’s digital project meeting

Between the 30th March and 1st April 2020 the second project meeting of the QualDeEPC partners was supposed to be held in Athens, Greece. Due to the global outbreak of the corona virus, such gatherings and travels have been

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