Between the 30th March and 1st April 2020 the second project meeting of the QualDeEPC partners was supposed to be held in Athens, Greece. Due to the global outbreak of the corona virus, such gatherings and travels have been cancelled. Therefore, the project coordinator, Wuppertal Institut, has organised this event to be held digitally.
The main focus of day 1 of the digital conference was Work Package 2, lead by the Bulgarian project partner EAP.
WP2 addresses the analysis of current EPC practices and priorities for next-generation EPCs. This WP has progressed in the development of a report on local EPC situation and cross-country comparison matrix and a report on EPC shortcomings and national priority approaches to their resolution, both to be found here. Both reports are based on an initial list of almost 50 potential enhancements to EPCs, the EPC issuing and control processes, and the use of EPC data for stimulating deep energy renovation of buildings. Considering national priorities found in interviews and workshops, the second report analyses, which of these enhancement options could be priorities for the project’s further development, policy debate, and implementation work.
The focus of day 2 of the digital conference were Work Packages 3, 4 and 6.
WP3, the development of enhanced EPC schemes, lead by one of the German partners, dena, is currently working on the development of enhanced EPC assessment and certification methods and processes, parallel to elaborating upon the concept for Deep Renovation Network Platforms. The Greek partner, CRES, and dena also work on the development of supportive tools.
WP4, lead by Ekodoma from Latvia, addresses the testing of the applicability through pilot cases. All partners engage pilot buildings in the progress of this work package. However, most partner countries require personal visits to the proposed pilot buildings including the involvement of the owners. This process is currently being delayed in its final stages due to the outbreak and henceforth national regulations of Covid-19.
WP6, lead by one of the German project partners, EPC, is focusing on the project’s communication and dissemination. This WP is accompanying all project months and encompasses tasks such as the development of a project ID, communication channels, dissemination materials etc. One of the public deliverables of WP6 can to be found here.
Despite operating exclusively digital at the moment, the partners of QualDeEPC are nevertheless able to carry out fruitful and lively discussions, and embark on building further efficient cooperation, internal as well as external.