The first series of QualDeEPC national workshops has been successfully completed!
Between the end of January and the end of February 2020, the consortium partners from Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Spain and Sweden have each hosted a national workshop elaborating upon the shortcomings of existing EPC schemes as well as options for their improvement. The aim of our workshop series was to develop priorities of options for an improved, and more user-oriented design of energy performance certificates, which can also be a first step towards deep renovation.
A variety of stakeholders, such as energy consultants and auditors, EPC-practitioners, national and regional policy makers, energy experts, and representatives from finance and economic sectors, energy agencies and centres, building manager associations have participated in these workshops.

During the workshops, priorities for improvement of existing EPC schemes such as, the process of their issuance, and use while maximizing their benefits and acceptance for facilitating deep renovation have been discussed.
For obtaining a homogenous and comparable response from the workshops, each consortium partner used a structured questionnaire. The results and expert opinions from the workshops will be incorporated into the further design and implementation of the QualDeEPC project. Identified priorities for improvement of existing EPC schemes are implemented at the national level in cooperation with the responsible authorities as far as possible, and additionally, they are to be made comparable at EU level.