Learn more about the partner in our 3-minute Q&A with…

Ph.D. Tamás Csoknyai,
Head of Department

Budapest University of Technology and Economics,
Department of Building Services and Process Engineering


What is the role of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics as a project partner of QualDeEPC?
Our department has been involved in the implementation of the EPBD from the very beginning. We have been involved in the development of the requirements system for nearly zero buildings, we have developed and monitored the EPC control system. Thus, we have a very comprehensive picture about the EPBD implementation and the application difficulties. Like all countries, Hungary has special difficulties in assessing and accepting certificates on the market, so it is very important to strengthen the development of common solutions and proposals with our experience, so that consensual solutions can be found at the local level.


As one of the key experts in the analysis of current EPC practices and national EPBD implementors, which actions are you seeking to put into practice via the project?
In Hungary, a complete review of the energy regulation, set of requirements and certification system is on the agenda, which is supervised by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, and our department has been commissioned to prepare the related background materials. Therefore, with proper timing, it may be possible to incorporate the results of the project directly into practice in a very short horizon. The synergy also exists vice-versa. For the Ministry, we have prepared comprehensive analysis of EU certification best practices, and based on this, we have formulated proposals that can be shared with the project consortium.


How do you value the importance of QualDeEPC to increase the quality and convergence of Energy Performance Certificate schemes and to enhance the link between EPCs and deep renovation across Europe?
The current public opinion is that the usefulness of energy certificates is highly questionable, so serious efforts need to be made to improve this judgment. To do this, certificates need to provide for the end users significantly more usable information. There are a number of elements that should be improved, but most importantly, the certificates must include usable retrofit suggestions. From a professional point of view, proposals for complex renovations are clearly justified, but due to the practical implementation, the possibility of step-by-step renovations should also be given. If this can be implemented in a right way, certificates can play a key role in spreading deep renovations across Europe.


Find out more about the QualDeEPC partners and their role in the project here!